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  Issue #162
No P&W as such, but a fab Toolbox on gardening..

Mike's Pith & Wind - Sorry doesn't cut it
I've got a whole raft of excuses why this month is devoid of a P&W - actually, just the word 'devoid' makes me wince. Well, more accurately the word 'void'. You don't really want to know, but you can just assume that it's part of the process of growing old and decrepit and it resulted in a short stay in hospital and a week of extreme discomfort. (I hear they're considering extreme discomfort for the 2022 Olympic Games).
The good thing is that that particular episode's over now, but the date has been set for further investigation by a team of crack specialists, which will inevitably mean a degree of discomfort for me and/or the team I'm sure.
I'm filling in my time modifying the look of the website, long overdue, and getting the new studio up and running.
Anyway, I know sorry doesn't cut it, but I have an idea for the August P&W and in the meantime there's always Dick's Toolbox to masticate - and masticating doesn't make you go blind.

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Dick's Toolbox - Gardening part two
Things have appeared in the garden and I know not what they are. Several small rows of green fronds that grew from some sort of tubers or bulbs that I planted some months ago. I bought them when I thought that I was going to obtain some new tulips only to discover that I was a month late in getting to the tulip farm door and the cupboard was largely bare of tulips excepting for some strange and expensive exotic variants. Well I bought what tulips I could afford, as well as these other bits of vegetative matter in brown paper bags, and toddled off home from the Dandenongs to plant them
I actually knew what they were when I planted them, well for at least five minutes until I threw the little brown paper bags out with their names and photographs printed at the top, but now they are a mystery. And will remain so until they flower and I find a book and, hopefully, identify them. Alternatively, like Triffids, they could assemble en masse in the garden one moonlit night and take over the neighbourhood, long.. read more

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