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Issue #67

Peter Cook broods about skewering Dudley Moore


Mike's Pith & Wind - Comedy
I’d gone to JB Hi Fi at The Well to check out the price of blank CDs and/or DVDs, but I’d forgotten to note down which type I was looking for and was walking towards the inevitable Asian security guard on the exit scolding myself under my breath, when I was waylaid by a bin of CDs on special. It’s a bit of a toss-up whether it’s worth the effort of looking through these bins, firstly because the CD spines are half one way and half the other, and secondly, I couldn’t be bothered going to the effort of finding and putting on my specs, so a large percentage of the names of the CDs were indecipherable whichever way round they were.
I decided to have a look anyway and came across Derek & Clive’s Ad Nauseam, the third record in Peter Cook and Dudley Moore’s series of vulgarities that began with Derek & Clive (Live) and Derek & Clive Come Again.
It was only $7.99, (further reduced to $6.00 because there was a sale on – yay!), but even so I was hesitant about buying it. I have a house full of CDs, only half of which I can rouse enough enthusiasm to listen to even once, and times is tuff enough without paying even a nominal price for the dubious pleasure of adding yet another piece of unused detritus to my immense collection.
But then I thought about this very column and decided to buy it. I’ve been walking around for the past couple of days not knowing what I was going to write about, and with the topic of offensive comedy courtesy of The Chasers War on Everything still warm.. read more

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Dick's Toolbox - The Rise and Rise of Mediocrity
One of the interesting observations that could be made about the past fifty years is why, given the remorseless rise of automation and computerisation, we haven’t got either 50% unemployment or the twenty hour working week? The opposite has happened; work force participation has increased as a far larger percentage of women enter the workforce through either feminist inspired choice or the necessity of paying for a three story McMansion in the pubic transport free outer suburbs. At the same time Australians have become amongst the longest working wage and salary slaves in the free world.
Let me get rid of the ungracious cavils out of the way first. Unemployment in Australia is greatly understated as, if you work more than one paid hour of work per week, you are.. read more

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