Mike's Pith
& Wind - Circular key
It’s New Year’s Eve. Outside is overcast and apprehensive
– thunderstorms have been predicted and it’s as if Melbourne
is holding its breath, hoping that it might rain, but worried about
lightning strikes starting a new cycle of fires. Those who have
been following my A Separate Reality blog, will know that my son
Chris is staying with me over the holidays. He’s parked in
front of the TV as I write, rubbing his hands anxiously and interminably,
as he has since he arose this morning. I don’t think he slept
much. He’s back on his full complement of drugs, but it’s
possible the coffee we had yesterday at lunchtime got him so wired
they changed sides. As we sat on the couch last night just before
midnight, he kept looking into my eyes earnestly, as though he wanted
to tell me something. It’s like living with a particularly
annoying version of Jesus Christ, because he didn’t say a
word, then or for most of the day, or for most of the week for that
matter, but he’s been working on a new obsessive couch behaviour
where he occasionally stands up for no apparent reason, turns around
and sit down again, like some senile pet cat. Maybe Jesus was autistic
- but I shouldn’t go down that path, because the general public
has enough misconceptions about autism already.
Anyway, I’m not sure what we’re going to do to mark
the (premature) passing of another year. I bought a bottle of bubbly
in case we do decide to take up Ken’s offer to see in the
NY at his place, or in case read
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