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Issue #74

The Small Faces with Plonk Lane third from the left


Mike's Pith & Wind - Dreams
Have you ever woken up in a state of wonderment at the detail and internal logic of the dream you’ve just had? Or even been in a semi-awake state while the dream plays out as if you’re in some sort of Dream Theatre? Dreams and their meanings came up in discussion with Dr Wazz the other night over a Thai meal and pinot (in my case). The good doctor had noticed that he was having a little trouble lately keeping ideas in his head long enough to transcribe them into print, which I suggested might be because his brain was full up – like mine.
He was unimpressed with this suggestion, (which wasn’t entirely facetious, in my case anyway), and mentioned he‘d had some quite vivid dreams recently, by way of changing the subject to something I might discuss seriously. That’s when we both observed how some dreams contain details so unfamiliar and plots so foreign to one’s experience that they defy the usual rationale that dreams are simply jumbled versions of our everyday lives.
It came to me later that very often my dreams reveal themselves as visual prompts from my unconscious, which becomes clear in the relating, either verbally to a friend over a Thai meal or, perhaps less painfully, written to one’s self in diary form.
For instance, I had an exceptionally grisly and bloody dream from which I couldn’t wait to wake, which I took to be my brain’s way of telling me that I was becoming excessively hot.
Of course, it soon becomes tedious.. read more

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Dick's Toolbox - Flying the flag
I was somewhat taken aback finding out that a friend of mine had flown the national flag on the day before Australian Day, draping it over the balcony of his house that overlooks, firstly, the parking lot of the Royal Hotel, and then Port Philip Bay. The flag flew the next day to the dismay of his partner.
The area the house is situated in is, by all appearances, delightful, the people of the suburb probably think themselves equal to or better than the rest of Melbourne. The house is quite contemporary but, as yet, with a flagpole.
General non-specific flag flying is not something I had associated with the area. It isn’t red neck central and there are no more hot Holdens driven by people with their hats on back to front than anywhere else.
Until relatively recently - and by that.. read more

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