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1) Tim,
us & Basement's Rod (back) Suzanne & Patrick |
At last! The CD launches - rock & roll rules!
30.3.08 - As I took Tim Gaze to the airport
late yesterday morning we discussed the possibility of getting
a joint mini-tour in Sydney and Melbourne with Spectrum and
Khavas Jute - or even the Shud. It was such a joy having Tim
play with us over the past couple of days, I really hope it
might come to fruition. Friday and Saturday were a whirlwind
couple of days - the Breathing Space EP jackets arrived
on Thursday arvo (see Gasp! below) and Tim arrived
in town that same evening - and Bill arrived at 9.30 the next
morning to load up for Basement Discs, which we fondly imagined
was to start at midday. We duly arrived at the Block Arcade
at 11.00 |
and loaded in, but it wasn't till I got back from
parking the van that I discovered we weren't actually due to
start until 12.45 - and then Suzanne discovered that dilettante
sound engineer Mark Sydow had completely forgotten that he was
supposed to be there at all and had to hastily jump in a cab
and race into the city from Port Melbourne. Fortunately the
audience wasn't under any such illusions about the time of the
performance and the room was nicely full when we kicked off
the set with Dreaming. Tim joined us for Rocket
Girl and I Play My Guitar to huge acclaim - and
then a girl standing right next to the stage fainted and fell
to the floor! 'How very rock & roll', I thought - but funnily
enough I don't recall it ever happening to us before. |
The band cranks into action at The Basement Discs 3) Tim Gaze
electrifies proceedings

4) The
only shot of Daz all day 5) Tim goes hot and cold at lunch in
Clarendon St |
To add to the general mayhem and
confusion, we were barely forty minutes into the set when Suzanne
and Charles started waving at us agitatedly - and it was only
then I was made aware that we were only supposed to be playing
for thirty minutes, and not the hour I had imagined. Talk about
rock & roll vagueness! All's well that ends well though,
and we signed innumerable copies of both CDs for happily satiated
audience members before packing up and loading out.
If getting into Baserment Discs wasn't difficult enough, getting
out again is even more problematic, and Daz made things really
difficult for himself when his car broke down in the centre
of town and he had to be towed and (eventually) get his battery
replaced. While he was enduring this embarrassment, Bill, Robbo,
Tim and I were in Clarendon St grabbing a bite before heading
down to Capers to load in and sound check (pic 5).
Our other musical guest, bassist/violinist Nicolas Lyon, was
already there, but things were running so far behind we barely
had time to run through one song with sound engineer, Peter
Fearn, before the doors opened and our fate was in |

6) Nicolas
Lyon serenades an indifferent Bill in Sensible Shoes 7) Robbo
grabs a few zeds
8 ) Tim slips in an unexpected inversion 9) Mike and Tim both
knuckle down and get serious |
the lap of the musical gods.
To be honest I had no expectations about the night, so I was
very pleased to see the room looking pretty near full when we
ambled on stage at 9.00. Although the Rocket Girl clip
that Mazz had dropped off that day never got an airing, Milton
Hammon's DVD had plenty of interesting material from the '70s
which kept everybody highly entertained while they ate. (Oooh,
they look so young..)
As soon as we started playing, I felt as though everything had
fallen into place. The sound, which had been excruciating in
sound check, suddenly sounded sweet, the lighting cues were
on time, and even the fog machine seemed to be on its best behaviour.
The addition of Nicolas Lyon on bass for the first few numbers
was inspired, (and fiddle in Sensible Shoes (pic 6)),
to be followed by the positive jolt of Tim Gaze in Rocket
Girl and I Play My Guitar, which provoked the
regular Mike, Bill, Robbo and Daz ensemble to new heights of
heightness, and elicited a rapturous response from the audience
- although, disappointingly, nobody fainted. |

10) Daz,
Deb, Robbo and a smirking Mike celebrate Earth Hour at The Palais
in Hepburn Springs |

11) Bill
celebrates his own way |
The finale featured Tim again, playing
a bracket of Ariel tunes, which tore the house down. I was even
able to interpolate the yah-yahs in Jamaican Farewell
for a change. In the end, we were all exhausted, (apart from
Nicolas Lyon, of course), but, despite the occasional glitch,
the day had been a conspicuous success. Many thanks to everybody
who made it such a success, including Alana, who handled the
CD sales on the night, and Music Junction, who loaned us the
Fender Blues Junior amp for Tim to use. Ian McCausland couldn't
make it regrettably, and there were a few other notable absentees,
but they missed out.
The next day we rocked on down to Hepburn Springs to do a 'regional
launch' at the fabulous Palais. I don't use the 'fab' description
lightly - if we could transport it into town, I believe we'd
have a ready-made successor to the Continental. Anyway, the
night was an absolute pleasure in almost every respect - except
there was hardly anyone there! Oh well, we sold a bundle of
CDs, which was the point I guess. Next time.. |
2 & 3 - Mark Noke. Pic 4 - Dick. Pics 6,7, 8 & 9 - Mazz
(check more
Mazz shots) |

hands are a blur as he packs up the EPs |
Breathing Space arrives just in time!
27.3.08 - At a little after 4.00 this afternoon,
Ted suddenly announced the courier had arrived and disappeared
downstairs. When I arrived in the store room he triumphantly
held up a Breathing Space cover and pointed to the
pile of boxes still sitting on the trolley. Fortunately I'd
had the presence of mind to bring a couple of hundred CDs with
me, so we spent the next half hour packing them into their sleeves
so Lou has something to send out tomorrow, and I'll have some
for Basement Discs and Capers. Tonight I go to the airport to
pick up Timmy Gaze - and at 10.00am tomorrow all hell breaks
loose for the biggest day of the year. (I'll have the EP available
to purchase on the site by Monday). |

You can
now have the 'must have' re-issue CD |
available now!
26.3.08 - Bugger! I can't find
my camera - I must've left it at Aztec today. Oh well, the
good news is that I have stock of the new Milesago
CD and it's available right now on the CDs page. The guys
at Aztec are very pleased with the way it's turned out and
I must say (again) that the packaging looks brilliant. The
best news is that they've managed to keep the price down to
a reasonable $30.00, so if you can't make it to The Basement
Discs or The New Capers on Friday, go to the CDs page and
order your copy right now - and be the second person on your
block to have one..
I droppped into Audiophile while I was in Fitzroy, and Nik
and the lads surveyed my defunct Yamaha amp, admiring the
veneer and all the redundant buttons and bows, and then made
me take it home. Mind you, they gave me another one for nothing
to take its place.. |

1) Derek
Guille lights up the Southbank studio 2) Steve Fraser hatches
a cunning plan |
26.3.08 - As predicted I popped down to
the ABC at Southbank last night for a quickie with Derek Guille
(pic 1), which was as pleasant as always, (although
I seem to have an ongoing problem with air conditioning at the
moment), and then meandered off to Smith St to the very
community radio station, 3CR, and |
another interview with Steve Fraser
(pic 2). Steve was able to be a little more expansive
and played three tracks from the Breathing Space EP
amongst a bevy of Milesago tracks.
Hmmm.. I just spoke to Ted at Aztec, and I should be picking
up some Milesago CDs later today. Fingers are still
crossed for the EPs.. |
news on the CD front!
25.3.08 - It seems the complete Milesago
package is on the doorstep at Aztec - and the Breathing
Space CD (minus the packaging) has also arrived! They're
saying 'a coupla days' for the Breathing Space digipak,
so the wait isn't over yet, but chances are we'll just scrape
in. Sigh! The other good news is that the Milesago
CD is retailing at a very modest $30.00, (it's a double CD remember),
so you'll be able to afford two copies!
Tonight I'm having a chat on the Derek Guille show on the ABC's
774 at 9.30-ish and then later on Steve Fraser's 3CR
show at 11.30-ish. It's all happening, baby! |

Robbo, Barry 'Healthkick' Murnane and the Pump |
St Andrews
24.3.08 - Given the sparse crowd at the Lomond the night
before, I was dreading arriving at St Andrews and finding nobody
there at all, but, although it wasn't a large crowd, it was
quite respectable under the cicumstances. The Vermont St gang
was there, and they had the table right in front of the band
for a change, and Chris had the best seat of all, so it was
a bit of an Easter treat for us both. From a playing perspective
it was a pleasing afternoon, and we took the opportunity to
run through The Crab, But That's Alright and Love's
My Bag, which was a useful thing to do with the launches
being the next gigs. Let's hope that everything arrives on time.. |

Galea, Robbo and Miranda Worthington |
Lomond goes off - quietly..
23.1.08 - When I arrived at the Lomond
I suspected it was going to be a quiet-ish night, and
it was - but enjoyable nonetheless. Miranda Worthington (pic)
advised me that the Rocket Girl clip was on track for
Wednesday or Thursday, which makes it consistent with the projected
arrival of the CDs. It's going to be a tight thing, and I can
do without the anxiety. I guess it's a lesson I can take into
the production of the second EP - have the thing in hand a couple
of weeks (at least) before the launch. |
R&B podcast and other shards of info
19.3.08 - I never did get that story
on the Chants R&B Wild Things tour finished, (I promise
I will), and in the meantime Radio NZ have broadcast selected
highlights from the Auckland gig and have now lodged the podcast
on their website. If you'd like to listen to highlights from
all the artists who appeared on the show, or pickily just
select the Chants' contribution, click on Radio
NZ. Incidentally, tomorrow I'm heading down to Aztec
to pick up stock of the Breathing Space EP, or just
look at the empty covers, or something. Wish me luck.. 20.3.08
- Nup. Didn't arrive. Ted says they just might
be delivered on Tuesday.. |
Imagine an
Easter bun |
weekend special
18.3.08 - And before you realise it, it's
bloody Christmas again. Oh well, for you diehards that refuse
to succumb to the allure of the family clambering into the family
wagon and rushing down to the shack for three days of utterrly
predictable al fresco domesticity, Spectrum presents
the alternative utterly predictable pub double. You know the
one - the Lomond on the Saturday night and the St Andrews pub
on the Sunday arvo. The Sunday arvo Easter lunch is a pretty
attractive option when you think about it - the country air,
the odd Harley note echoing through the hills, the quite acceptable
pub nosh - and Spectrum! If I were you, I'd insist on a version
of What The World Needs Is A New Pair Of Socks... |
The Grizzly Bros entertain the thronging masses 2) Stringybark
McDowell and Homesick Joe have a bash |
Myrniong, O Myrniong, your Music in the Park rings in my ears
16.3.08 - I checked on Wikipedia, and Myrniong's
population is a steady 210 souls, so I would guess that most,
if not all of them were at the Music in the Park, plus a few
ring-ins from around the district constituting a healthy, if
not handsome crowd. Bill and I arrived just after 7.00, expecting
to be on stage at 9.00, but, as these things do, the program
was running about an hour behind - the finger of blame pointed
squarely at the talent quest. When we did finally mount the
stage, with willing hands helping us from the audience, the
sound guy quipped it was 'too easy', which always arouses my
suspicions, and sure enough, Bill proceeded to have an extremely
difficult time with a low-mid resonance that only evaporated
when it was all but too late. We were received with due reverence
nonetheless, and Karl and Alan seemed pleased with the way things
had gone. At least it didn't rain like last year.. It would've
been better with Robbo.. |
Ed Nimmervoll 2) Ted confidently presents the proof for the
Breathing Space cover |
13.3.08 - The autumn weather is starting
to bite - and this year that means it's stiflingly bloody hot.
Goodness knows how they're coping in SA after ten days of this
stuff. Yesterday I popped down to Southbank for a session in
the ABC Tardis with Ed Nimmervoll, (pic 1), who has
a weekly broadcast to those poor, deprived souls |
at the top end who crave
news from the civilised south. I've spoken to Annie Gaston before
- probably round the time of the Part One release -
and she certainly does her homework, (she knows all about this
site for instance). Anyway, we had a lovely little chat, and
I suppose it's by way of a prelude to the flurry of interviews
that will undoubtedly occupy me over the next few weeks. This
afternoon I got a call from Ted at Aztec (pic 2) saying
he had the proof for the Breathing Space cover ready
for my approval, so I whizzed down to the Aztec Music office
for a peek. Naturally, given the way things have been going
with this project from the start, I discovered a flaw in the
credits, (my fault again), but hopefully that won't translate
into a major delay.. |

Ted is
very pleased wirth the lavish Milesago cover |
finally mastered 11.3.08 -
Today's final mastering session involved some of my mewling
children being murdered for the sake of Art - and good riddance
too - but it's an exhausting and, worse still, time (and money)
consuming exercise. The upshot of it all is that I delivered
the latest version of the master to Ted (pic) who is
going to make sure it gets to Aztec's pressers pretty smartly.
And then it's a waiting game. I mooted that it was a 50/50 proposition
that the EP would be delivered on time for the launch, which
Ted didn't disagree with, especially after I told him the launch
was on the 28th and not the 26th, which is what he thought it
was for some reason. This last minute stuff after years of fuck-all
is absolutely typical by the way. Sorry. |
launch on track
9.3.08 - I just wish I could say the same
for the EP. After I'd been to see Ian McCausland yesterday,
I realised that I'd have to go back to Edensound one last time
for an annoying modification. My fault. I managed to get in
touch with Martin Pullan and he's going to patch the problem
up for me on Tuesday morning. By then the artwork and everything
technical should be done and dusted.
So, if you don't want to be disappointed, you should be planning
to book your seat now for the double launch on Friday 28th at
The New Capers - check the Gig page for details..
No new Bloody Newsletter yet - sorry. Coming soon! |
Space mastered - just!
7.3.08 - On Tuesday I came down with this
wretched throat that seems to be going around, and by that night
it had migrated to my chest, making me feel thoroughly uncomfortable.
I bravely soldiered on and had the mixes for the EP on a CD
ready for mastering by Wednesday afternoon's appointment with
Martin Pullan (pic) at Edensound. I wasn't totally
engaged, but noticed a couple of the mixes didn't quite gell
as I'd hoped, with the result that I went back again today with
three revised mixes to be mastered - and this time I was satisfied.
Tomorrow I'm popping over to Ian McCausland's to oversee the
final stages of the cover art - it's getting exciting! |
The view of The Soundgarden room from the stage 2) Bill with
Terry from Way Out West and
Prince Albert
Stephen presents his large son Jake 4) A dubious Bobby Bright
succumbs to Mike's paparazzi camera skills |

5) Two
local lasses with a positive blackboard message |
Spectrum trio at The Soundgarden
3.3.08 - At just after 5.30
on Saturday arvo, Bill and I set off for The Soundgarden in
Laverton North, lured out unfashionably early by the promise
of a free feed - and less than thirty minutes later were surprised
to find quite a handsome little room round about where the
old cinder speedway used to be. Dave and Maree made us welcome
and introduced us to members of the family who were helping
out for the night before taking our orders. Robbo got caught
in traffic but arrived in plenty of time really, and then
there was a bit of a wait (in an actual band room, mind you)
till 8.30 and showtime. Because people were eating when we
were setting up, we didn't get a soundcheck as |
such, so the dry acoustics caught
us a bit by surprise, and partly because of that our performance
was a bit ragged - one chap came up at the end of the night
and remarked it wasn't as tight as usual - but I think we'll
be better for the experience. Anyway, Dave and Maree were ecstatic
at the attendance, (a record apparently), and we were granted
a round of cheesecake and hot chocolate after we'd packed up,
which was a very nice touch. It was also nice to see so many
we knew there, including Bobby Bright (pic 4), and
Terry (pic 2), and we were tickled by the enthusiastic
message left on the blackboard by the graffiti sisters (pic
5), which reads, 'Spectrum are the grouse! And that's true,
fair Dinkum!' Irresistible girls - we'll be back for sure! |
shots from Tas.
This is probably the end of first set playing I Play My Guitar
2) This is probably Bill
I'm guessing this is I'll Be Gone 4) I think Kaz must've been
falling over when she took this shot.. |
shots from Tassie 3.3.08 -
Kaz (as seen in last month's Stop Press) very kindly sent me
a selection of shots she took of the band at the Tuesday night
show. Thanks Kaz - if any of you have shots of the band you'd
like to share with us, you know what to do.. |
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