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Bill Putt's home page |

and Lisa chat to Uncle Geoff while Louise retrieves Archie the
bear for Miss Molly |
report Fresh
@ Fresh
28.11.05 - Thank goodness for
relatives! My third solo gig at Fresh @ Elwood would've been
just that without 'em. The threatening weather didn't help,
and it worsened as the day went on. Still, Brenden's mods to
George proved largely efficacious and I got through three sets
without cramping. Hooray! |
I'll have a break next week for Spectrum's Abbottsford
Convent appearance, and will most likely be back at Fresh @
Elwood on Sunday Dec. 11th. (TBC) Let's pray for more pleasant
Today the AM Studio was graced by the legendary
saxophonist, Jimmy Sloggett, putting some magic
sax licks on a couple of Spectrum tracks. I was so preoccupied
I forgot to record the event on film, so there's no pictorial
evidence. We'll have to get him back for another session.. |

butts in at the Paramount Cinema Sat. Dec. 3rd |
Cinema gig with retro-Spectrum
24.11.05 - If you're in the habit of checking
out the Gigs page, (maybe right after the obituaries), you may
have noticed that we're playing a couple of slightly unusual
gigs in December. The first is on Sat. 3rd as support to a Sunbury
movie at the Paramount Cinema in Lygon St in
East Brunswick, (which movie I'm not sure - check with the Paramount
people on 9388 8244). We're featuring the full retro-Spectrum
set-up with keyboards, and airing some Spectrum and Ariel material
that hasn't been heard for a while, like Hessie's fave Hard
Way To Go, Who's Bugging You, Confessions Of A Psychopathic
Cowpoke, Fly Without Its Wings, What The World Needs Is A New
Pair Of Socks and more. |
The other odd gig is
the next day (Sunday) between 4.00 - 5.00 helping out Black
GST at the Abbottsford Convent - the arvo starts at 12.30 -
6.00 with Rod Quantock and other indigenous comedians. I'm tipping
it to be a very unusual afternoon, but everybody's contributing
their services for the cause so we're hoping for a generous
turnout. Check out Black GST's website
for more info.
This coming Sunday (27th) I'm back at Fresh @ Elwood doing my
solo thing in the courtyard (weather permitting) between 2.00
- 4.00. I think I'm getting the hang of it.. |

1) The
two Rosses back in harness 2) The DVD's creator, Ron Brown,
sadly declines to shout the next round |

3) Max
Crawdaddy amuses Craig Horne and Robbo |
DVD launch at the Hard Rock Café
23.11.05 - It was surely another meeting of old faces,
but the good thing was that it wasn't a funeral. In fact, DC's
manager, Mark Sydow, proudly told me that DC's Xmas single had
been picked up that very day on commercial radio and was on
high rotation. I spoke to Eris O'Brien, co-writer of the ditty
with Ross, and he was at a loss to explain it, which is as it
should be, of course.
Being very much of the smart set, Jenny and I arrived fashionably
late - and as a result, missed most of DC's set, so we made
do hobnobbing with Alan Howe, Ed Nimmervoll, Ross Ryan, Ernie
Rose, Pat Wilson, Ron Brown, Gil Matthews, Wayne Duncan, Max
Crawdaddy, Craig Horne, Ian McCausland et al. check
DC shot |
Jeff Edwards with Elaine and Emma 2) Diana Wolfe innocently
drops in to St Andrews |
report Jeff's
50th and St Andrews
21.11.05 - Another busy weekend
for Spectrum - and both versions of Spectrum too, with
the trio doing Jeff Edwards' 50th birthday on Saturday night,
and the quartet (with Daryl Roberts) at St Andrews on Sunday
arvo. The party was particularly good fun, and we were made
to feel very welcome by all and sundry. Special mention has
to be made of the food on offer, which was exceptional. Jeff
said there were a number of people at the party who were spun
out that we were still playing - I've gotta say that the feeling's
The following afternoon there was the good ol' St Andrews pub-
a bit quieter than usual, it has to be said, but Kel thought
that was due to the unusual number of festivals and gymkhanas
in the area on the day. We were favoured by the Wolfe Gang dropping
in on their way back from the Kinglake pub, but then I noticed
Diana (pic) chatting to Daryl earnestly after the show..
Hands off, Diana! You've already got our drummer!!
16.11.05 - It
may have escaped your notice on the way to this page
that there's a new Pith & Wind up for your
inspection. This month's subject is Cynicism,
in which subject I'm somewhat of an expert. There's also an
announcement about an upgrade of the PayPal
facility on the CDs page, which allows you to add as many CDs
as you like to your shopping cart for the one postage charge,
and which I've (cynically?) observed, has been introduced just
in time for Christmas I've been sending out far
too many reminders about gigs this month, so I'll simply
remind you now that Spectrum, with Daryl Roberts on keyboards
(and Robbo - hooray!), will be appearing at the St
Andrews Pub again this Sunday arvo
between 3.00 - 4.00 approximately, meaning that I won't be doing
my solo thing at Fresh @ Elwood till the following
Sunday the 27th. There's an interesting freebie that we're doing
at the Abbottsford Convent coming up on the
first Sunday in December that's going to wipe out another Fresh
gig too, but I'll let you know more about that soon. See y'all
there. And in news just to hand.. I just
got this info from doco maker, Ron Brown: 'My new Daddy Cool
documentary will be screened at the Nova Cinemas in Carlton
at matinees starting the weekend of November 26th. Not sure
of the complete details, (session times, etc) but it's
come together really suddenly and I want to get the word out
as fast as possible. The double DVD box set THE COMPLETE
DADDY COOL is in store November 23rd.'
Sort of renders any news I had into the insignificant category.
Oh well.. |

gentleman at least had a good time at Nighthawk |
at Nighthawk & fresh @ Fresh
14.11.05 - It was always going to be a
challenge, playing Nighthawk Blues without Robbo. Saturday night
is open night, with people wanting to party ahead of listen,
but Bill and I gave a manful impression of coping as just the
two of us, and even managed an encore of Esmeralda.
My second solo gig in as many weeks at Fresh @ Elwood was slightly
fraught as well. While it was warm enough in the sun, in the
shade and with a breeze whistling in from the south it was cold
enough to freeze my fingers to the fret board and make me wish
I'd brought a T-shirt. Thankfully I had an even larger attendance
of relatives and friends than last Sunday to make up for the
cool breeze. |

never rains..
11.11.05 - I have been less than diligent
on the site of late, so the mention for Brenden Mason's gig
tonight at the Noise Bar is cutting it fine, to say the least.
I'll explain eventually.
In addition, occasional correspondent Glenda Wilson informs
me that on Monday night on Ten at 11.30-12.30, there's a show
called 'Mark Holden: Live at The George', where Mark does versions
of his '70s hits, surrounded by great musicians, including Spectrum’s
Mike Rudd and Bill Putt, Daddy Cool’s Gary Young, and
Joel Turner. Hooray! Mark sent me the DVD too,
but I haven't looked at it yet. When you see it, I think you'll
be pleasantly surprised / shocked at what a fine singer Mark
actually is. Check it out! |

says hullo birds etc. |
at the Lomond and Mike at Fresh @ Elwood
7.11.05 - After a couple of months of relative
the last couple of weeks have been hectic on the gig front.
While the Lomond on Saturday night wasn't exactly a riot, it
reaffirmed itself as the smoky little dive to see the
definitive pub version of Spectrum. I distinguished myself by
not bringing the CDs, and missed out on a shit-load of sales.
Well, maybe a couple, anyway..
Sunday was interesting. It was my first official solo gig, and
where I unveiled my Martin guitar for the first time - it was
actually the indulgence of purchasing the Martin that prompted
the 'solo career' in the first place. It didn't matter, but
several set-up faults revealed themselves in the course of the
afternoon, which Brenden at Real Guitars has undertaken to remedy
by next weekend. And I will be back next Sunday - if you have
nothing on, pop into Fresh @ Elwood between 2.00 - 4.00 and
check me out. See
the gig page
for more gigs |
Our host, Nikola, smiles fiendishly 2) Location, location -
Nik's splendid backyard throbs with fun and laughter |
& Bill's Cup Day special
5.11.05 - Some of you will have
noticed that Jenny has relinquished her duties looking after
booking the band in favour of paying more attention to her brood,
with all that entails. She has been an absolute treasure - more
like a group mother than a manager - and her enthusiasm and
generosity will be sorely missed. As if to prove how much she's
already being missed, my attempts at booking the band over the
past two or three weeks have resulted in three double bookings
- and still counting! I wonder if from now on I'm going to suffer
pangs of guilt wondering where else we're supposed to be.
Anyway, one booking that went OK was on Cup Day, and Bill and
I spent a relaxed arvo purveying our duo thang to an equally
laid back congregation of young families, celebrating the Diva's
historic win from the safety of Nik's sumptuous home in Ivanhoe.
If you'd like to celebrate a birthday or such like with Spectrum,
why not get in touch with the world's most amenable booker?
Just double check the dates is my tip.. |
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