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Eve at the Grand Hotel
1) Handsome
couple, Mark and Debbie, actually invested in a CD 2) Bill with
Yarra Valley FM's Barry Murnane |
sanctuary for Mike & Bill
26.12.04 - It was a quiet night on the balcony at the
Grand Hotel in Healesville on Christmas Eve - too quiet really.
But, for Mike and Bill it was a chance to stretch themselves
without the comfort of Robbo glueing things together on drums
and percussion - not to mention good vibes. Naturally we missed
him, but actually there was nothing we attempted that didn't
work in its own way, and we tried a couple of things (Voice
Of The Andes and Living On A Volcano) we haven't
done for a while. In fact, the evening went so fast we didn't
actually get round to trying everything we were intending to.
Oh well, I'm sure there'll be another opportunity soon.. |
of the Year.. 
Mail Inside Entertainment 12.12.04 (thanks to Greg Brown) |
in the past - it's cheaper 22.12.04
- Dave Dosser sent me this flyer reminding me of how cheap it
was to see the best entertainment available in times of yore.
What can you get for a dollar (plus booking fee) these days?
Don't answer that.
In other news - well, there is no other news. I'm almost
used to the panic and guilt associated with this time of the
year - and then, suddenly, it's all over. Another year wakes
up sleepily and we try and forget the embarrassment of another
crap MCG pitch.. |
scenes at Spectrum Xmas party
21.12.04 - Spectrum's manager, Jenny Klepfisz
, threw her by now traditional Xmas party last night.
Over-catering was the order of the day, (despite forgetting
the prawn course!), and everyone was grateful that the cake
was omitted this year.
There were some shocks though - Jenny was caught (pic
left) playing with some mini bubble wrap she'd sneaked
in to the party. 'Bubble wrapping' is the latest fetish sweeping
the inner suburbs, and has supplanted anorexia and weird pets
as the fetish of choice. Signs to watch for over Xmas are
1) the fetishist throws away the Xmas gift in favour
of the wrapping and 2) surreptitious popping sounds
when you're conversing with the fetishist by phone.
There is a help line being planned for Wrapping addicts. |
@ Elwood
Eris plays another chord I don't know 2) Ross does his Santa
Mike takes time off work to show Eris one of his chords 4) Eris
and Pat Wilson |
is the word..
19.12.04 - You know Melbourne's weather
- too hot one day, blustery and cool the next. That's why we
love it so. Maybe the blustery bit put people off, or maybe
they were just elsewhere Xmas shopping, but it was quite a small
crowd of enthusiasts that braved the Elwood elements to soak
up some singer/songwriter good vibrations at Fresh @
Elwood this afternoon. The mainstay of the arvo was
Eris O'Brien, who played his finely nuanced
songs with much artfulness. Ross Wilson turned
up as a guest and played a mixed bag of embryonic new songs
and some oldies, and Jessica Paige (left)
needed no second invitation to play. Pat Wilson,
the proprietor of Fresh, joined Eris for a couple of tunes,
and even I got up and did the solo thing briefly, and later
jammed with Eris and Ross on harp and guitar. It was fun - I'll
do that again methinks.. |
new feature
17.12.04 - As we slip deeper into the mire
that is Xmas, there are the odd chinks of light that make life
worth living. After the debacle of leaving Andy Baylor's
image off the No Thinking CD, I can go slightly further
down the path towards papering over my embarrassment by reporting
that Andy is throwing a Christmas Blues Party (pic)
down at the World Famous Rainbow Hotel in Fitzroy
next Wednesday the 22nd... You should be there.
Andy got back to me after I sent out our Xmas Greetings
to the World e-mail, as did a number of other folk. Some
of the e-mails were so touching I've initiated a Correspondence
page featuring a few examples. Why not check
it out and let me know what you think - about anything.
You never know, you just might get published. |
O'Brien at Fresh
You may have missed him a few weeks back, but it's happening
again, so put it in your diary for 2.00pm 19th of December.
The Ross Wilson and Eris duet on the 28th November
held all spellbound till sundown. But Ross will tell you that
it's Eris's arvo and he'll enthrall you with his unique style,
voice and songs drenched with melody and poetry. (In case you
didn't know, as well as doing a bit of noodling with me the
other week, Eris is Ross' main co-writer: e.g. Bed Of Nails,
Slave To My Emotions, Time Destroys, This Little Baby Is Born
Again and many more).
Eris is performing this Sunday arvo, the 19th of December, from
2.00pm in the outdoor courtyard at Fresh @ Elwood
/ Organic Cafe, 130 Ormond Rd, Elwood 9531-4130
The food is good, they're licenced, there's no cover charge,
and it's a rare chance to hear Eris do his excellent thing in
a beautiful setting. While you're there, pick up a copy of his
great album Blessed Fool.
Speaking of Ross Wilson, he's on the Derek
Guille show tonight at around 8:30. Ross says: 'It's
various singers with the big band - I'm doing a swingin' medley
of At The Rockhouse and Eagle Rock arranged
by John McAll w/overview by moi -
we get one run-through, then its showtime!' |
really started!  |
12.12.04 - Did I say the madness
begins? Whatever - the floodgates have opened and Xmas
cards are clogging up the postbox again. Oh, the guilt!
But, I must be strong. I'm not doubling up on cards and
e-mails this year, so this is your lot. Just click on
the envelope to get your Spectrum card, especially drawn
by OZ, at www.splatoons.com.au.. |
so the madness begins..

1) James
proves that he's a two martini screamer. 2) Robbo comforts guest,
LRB's Derek
3) The band in full swing doing their blues thang 4) Mike, kitted
up for the sun, blows that
harp (3 & 4 by James Thomson) |
Xmas party ends in tears
6.12.04 - The first Xmas party of the season
was going swingingly - the band was actually enjoying themselves
and the assembled throng was lapping it all up. Then, just before
the last set was about to kick off, the power went. All bets
were off. We played an acoustic version of I'll Be Gone
- and then packed up (or 'down' as Bill says), and went home.
James Thomson, (Bill's and my osteopath), said
that we owed him another set. Only too happy to oblige, James.
See you next year.. |
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