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Issue # 23

Good news about buying CDs from this site
16.11.05 -
I recently received this rather peevish e-mail from a Bruce Russell in WA. How come I have to pay for each cd separately, thus incurring $5.00 postage each time. Surely you are not going to send them individually! How about a shopping cart setup?
I wrote back that I would have a look at the situation, and in fact managed to do that on Sunday last, with the end result that I've installed the very shopping cart or shopping basket setup that Bruce suggested.
This means that you now have the option of buying all the items available using the convenient PayPal system and incur only the one postage charge. Just in time for Xmas, I hear you gasp..


Mike's Pith & Wind - Cynicism
I was looking for the origin of the saying, ‘Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be’, and I Googled my way onto a site of aphorisms and pieces of wit by the witty and the famous – and, let’s face it, the mostly dead. The ‘Nostalgia’ line is unattributed by the way, but immediately before it was a classic by George Bernard Shaw that I’d not encountered before, but one which I know from experience to be true; to whit: ‘The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven’t got it.’
I have a penchant /ability/annoying habit of summing up flaccid conversations concisely and, well, pithily at what I perceive to be the appropriate juncture, to be greeted with mock horror and cries of ‘Oh, you are such a cynic!’ (My brother’s the same, but in his case it’s true).
Partly it’s a male thing, I suspect, but a particular kind of male, with a particular kind of boarding-school upbringing, and I’m talking about the kind of boarding-school that’s inhabited by ‘beaks’ and ‘fags’ and ‘senior-study fops’ – and not a girl in view for miles and miles, not to mention years and years.
Women, who by their nature are inclined to chatter, do not necessarily appreciate conversation killing succinctness, and to be honest, where would we be without such endless female burbling? Think of the hours, weeks, months - years even, of unrequited conversation directed our way by our mothers as they shunted us through the terrible twos and beyond in pushers and prams. Even though we holy terrors instinctively knew that we could get everything we wanted simply by howling furiously,

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OK - I've finally applied the modicum of thought this feature requires, and I urge you to give this satirical English site a look, if only to find where all the malicious, rancid and plain nasty commentary gets an airing. Occasionally it's even funny. La Ecclectica

Cynicism - (cont.)
mother knew better, and mother taught us a gentler, more sophisticated way.
And that way was Polite Conversation. Endless, repetitive, pointless, Polite Conversation.That we little thugs eventually learned to move beyond yelling and grunting and hitting to get what we want, we owe entirely to our loving and dedicated mothers and their Polite Conversation, bless 'em.
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