The bits of stuff that fall in the cracks between Life, Music and outrageous fortune.
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Rosewood is just around the corner
A trip to Rosewood
30.3.09 - I missed Bill's call as I was picking up Chris on Sunday morning, but he rang back later to invite me and Chris up to Rosewood - Rosemary and Bill's home in Strathewen. It was quite a trip out there, and my heart dropped when we left the unscathed countryside and entered what most resembled a WWl battlefield. There were some people out and about, fossicking round burnt out buildings and mending fences, and there were enormous piles of burnt logs in the paddocks, but there was only one other building standing on the way to Rosewood, which looked like some sort of oasis with Rosemary's new plantings taking hold, surrounded by utter devastation. You're a bloody hero, Bill!

1) Who is that masked man on the chopper? 2) It's none other than biking Billy Dettmer
Dettmer visitation
19.3.09 -
I remembered that Bill Dettmer said he was coming round today, but I couldn't remember what for. It turned out he was picking up a copy of A Strange Fantastic Dream for a buddy, so no dramas, and it was good to have a bit of a natter over a cup of tea, before he leapt aboard his chopper and headed back to the Peninsula.
The week
7.3.09 - I was just outside doing some very targeted mowing - just a tiny unnaturally green and healthy looking strip of grass along the fenceline, which is due to the neighbours, probably quite legally, regularly watering the garden on their side of the fence. It was ruining the desert-like aesthetic of my back yard. I had to severely cut back the budlea the other day it was looking so tragic. I hope it makes a comeback because it's one of my favourite fragranced trees. Or is it a bush?
Anyway, that's the sum total of my gardening for the moment.
I went along to support Chris at his dental appointment on Thursday. (pic) Dr Punshon does a great job with Chris, who is naturally pretty defensive about having his mouth invaded at the best of times. I've decided that he should be checked every three months, as the welfare of his remaining teeth is pretty crucial - I don't think he could cope with dentures.
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