1) The interiior
from the stage of the Blunt boatshed on the Williamstown foreshore
2) The chaps with Greg and Jo Blunt after the gig
 3) The cake
celebrating 160 years in business for the Blunt family 4) Greg and
Joanne up close
and personal wioth the Cruddster
Twelve years
later the Blunt boatshed again echoes to the strains of music from
Rudd & Co.
23.9.18 -
Robbo and I remembered the Blunt boatshed from when we last played
for Blunts' Greg and Joanne (pics 2 & 4) way back
in 2008 with my late buddy Bill Putt, (appropriately nick-named Bilge
Pump by Harvery James) but it was all new to Suits' bassman, Broc
O'Connor. Being my
neighbour in nearby Wandin, Broc hitched
a ride
me to
Willy from Mt Evelyn in
Mitzi on
a beautiful Melbourne spring day
and we arrived right on time at a few minutes after midday. The art
of boatbuilding is still alive and being practised today at the Blunt
boatshed and actual boats and
other shipping artefacts including tools of every description, mooring
ropes and likely-looking planks of wood are crammed in every nook and
cranny. Given the fair state of the weather we might've contemplated
playing outside,
as I
anyway we set-up next to the front doors looking down the
length of the boathouse. (pic 1)
With all that wood around the acoustics in the room are quite magical
and only half the PA was required, but it still took more than the
full hour allowed to set-up - we're out of practice obviously. Mind
you, we were also plied with sushi and pies as we worked but managed
to start the first of two sets at a respectable 1.10. We played for
a solid hour before taking a break and taking in some more provisions,
and then it was a race to the finish line with a stiff tail breeze.
We finished with an extended version of Esmeralda with the
revellers contributing in good voice and then were taken for a tour
of Greg's pride and joy, the Clinker Boat club premises where the
Demons were taking a beating from the Eagles before heading home.
The Blunts and their friends and supporters are a lovely bunch of
people and there was a lot of love in the room. Greg optimistically
assured us he'll book us again for the next celebration in five years