1) The Indelibles
strive to warm up the freezing room with hot licks 2) Keaton Robertson
lays down an irresistible groove 3) An old groover's old groove
4) Noel takes
a pic 5) And this is the pic Noel took of the Cafarellas and McClatchys
6) Wayne Kinrade (right) with a party from his 60th birthday party
Indelibles return to the Ice Rink..
5.6.18 - There was no hint of a crowd
worthy of the name when we arrived at the St Andrews pub at 2.00 on
Sunday. No posters advertising anybody outside and signs that could
be interpreted as abandonment inside - the jukebox had been left nowhere
in particular and the carpets, never particularly inviting, were filthy.
And it was cold - the much-vaunted fireplace providing the only heat
on a chilly day that was bound to only get chillier. Earlybirds Broc
and I hoped that a crowd might eventually arrive as we scooted busily
around the stage and curiously by the time we played the opening notes
of We Are Indelible a crowd had actually materialised, understandably
mostly congregated around the fireplace. A lovely crowd it was too,
some of whom can be seen in the pics above, and at least as many as
had rolled up the the Mothers Day show. Noel (pic 4) shouted
me a G&T, so gets a special, special mention, but the unexpected
arrival of the in-laws brightened up my day, and the Wayne Kinrade
party (pic 6) braved the cold with notable stoicism.
Musically, with the recent experience of Wayne's party gig under our
belts, it was positive and the uncertainty of some of the earlier
gigs this year has been vanquished. Keaton Robertson (pic 2)
insisted on a jam with the band after his solo and I think it's now
a 'thing'.
There are further rumours suggesting a deal has been done and the
pub is about to be taken over. Pokies have been mentioned. Sigh! |