T R U M S P E C T R U M S P E C T R U M |
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM M
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D |
press r
May |
report / Cruddo turns up to a BIG night at the Lomond Acoustica! Wed.
30.5.18 |
The Three Amigos
bust a groove at the 25th anniversary of the Acoustic Wednesdays |
if you invited a crowd and they all came?
31.5.18 - It was pouring when I arrived at the
Lomond and to compound my problems there wasn't a park to be found.
'I wonder what's going on round here on a Wednesday night?' I thought,
but I eventually found a park 150m up the next street and stumbled
into the back entrance of the Lomond with a towel I'd found in the
van over my head.
'No Muslims in here!' chirped a voice from the verandah, but I went
in anyway - and encountered perhaps the biggest crowd I've ever seen
in the Lomond's front room taking in the vocal delights of Kelly Auty,
accompanied by a poker-faced gent on the house piano.
Ray Moon informed me I was on in five minutes, which meant the show
was actually running ahead and I scrambled on stage.
I'd prepared pretty well and it went well too. I guested with the
Achison, Charles & Hocking (pic) and everybody was very
nice to the old bloke. |
report / The Suits rock up to Wayno's 60th Birthday Party Sun. 27.5.18 |

The Three-Piece
Suits play Kids in the Kitchen for Wayne |
60th Birthday Party
The last time we were in this neck of the woods was for Wayne's wife
Sally's 50th in 2010. Robbo remembers it very well as it coincided
with the repeat Grand Final, (which he naturally had to attend) when
Collingwood won the flag. He was in a very good mood that evening.
Even though we'd been there before I had no recollection of how to
get there, but as soon as I reached the end of the very long driveway
and saw the house I remembered it as if were only eight years ago.
Wayne led me to the kitchen where we were to set up. The kitchen looks
out over the spacious back yard (see pic) with virgin bushland
beyond. Very nice.
Being a bit out of practice we just managed to be ready at the appointed
time, but then held off a few minutes to regain our equilibrium and
have a sip of the coffee that Wayne's daughter Anna had made for us.
After we'd finished the first set I asked Wayne if we were too loud
and he said we could actually be a bit louder (!) and the next couple
of sets were a little more relaxed. A very pleasant Sunday arvo for
the Suits. |
report / The Indelibles hit the road at the St Andrews pub Sun. 13.5.18 |

Broc wins the position to get the one light that's actually pointed
at the stage 2) Axe-man Mike smirking
(MG) 3)The
band and Di Calder with featured guest artist Keaton
Mike Rudd's Indelibles' finally baptised at a down-at-heels favourite
14.5.18 - I was looking forward to the
Indelibles' long delayed inaugural gig and where better to celebrate
than at the St Andrews pub, Spectrum's happy hunting ground for so
many years? Well, just about anywhere as it turned out, but I'll get
to that later.
I was (slightly) anxious as it's been quite some time since the chaps
and I have graced any stage together and we've barely seen each other
since the Spectrum*plus gig in December last year. Broc, my Seville
neighbour and Indelibles' bassist as you'd know, popped over on Friday
for some revision and it was probably just as well, as the songs we
didn't look at were the ones that I got muddled in.
Being the first official Indelibles' gig I'd also revised the standard
songlist and it seemed to work out OK on the day. Just in case you
haven't received any of my emails recently, the band formerly known
as Spectrum has now been rebranded as Mike Rudd's Indelibles. The
Indelibles' brief is to play Mike Rudd stuff from my very first band,
Chants R&B through Spectrum, Murtceps, Ariel, WHY, The Heaters
et al to the present day - a sort-of Mike Rudd tribute band
if you like. Some people have commented that this is an ingenious
move, and I'm also thinking this is a good thing.
It leaves Spectrum as the special event band that it should be and
as it used to be known as back in the day. The first gigs for this
special version of Spectrum (augmented by Brenden Mason as in the
Spectrum*plus gig last year) are a couple of shows double-billed with
our 70s' mates, Madder Lake, the first in July at the Sooki Lounge
in Belgrave, and the second at the new Satellite Lounge now housed
in the Village Green Hotel. (I like the idea of exclusively working
But, back to the St Andrews' gig. Sadly, as suggested earlier, all
was not right at the St Andrews pub. It was Mother's Day and we've
done them before at St Andrews and there's always been a healthy crowd
on hand. Not so this time. Then I started hearing talk about there
being no beer on tap (!!!!) no red wine, not the usual choice in the
lunch menu, and even if they got the order right some orders not arriving
for two hours, no toilet paper etc. Just as well there wasn't
a big crowd!
Despite the small crowd and sundry other disappointments it was fun
just to play together again. It was also another step along the way
to stardom for drum prodigy Keaton Robertson when the band accompanied
him for his drum solo spot for the first time. We were pleased to
see that some of our regular St Andrews people turned up and personally
I was very happy that my son Chris and the Dorrington contingent were
in the room amongst some other wonderful friends.
On the way home, Maria and I dropped in on my bro' Dick (of Toolbox
fame) and noshed up on his fabulous sea-food risotto and Mary's fresh-from-the-garden
salad - not forgetting the lovely Central Otago pinot-noir. A very
pleasant and civilised way to end to a somwhat disappointing day overall. |
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM M
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D |