T R U M S P E C T R U M S P E C T R U M |
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM M
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D |
press r
December |
a gig report / 18.12.17 Mike and Jeff Duff hit the tiles |
The room filled up really quickly with pop glitterati 2) Billy
Miller and Rebecca Barnard were inadvertently hung out to dry
but were very brave 3) Dunks' ghostly bass
Australian Music Vault launch
19.7.17 - As we roll inexorably towards
Chrissy and the only gigs to look forward to are in what we
laughably refer to as the New Year, I for one welcome the odd
distraction. Laneway Music's Vincent Donato requested the pleasure
of my company at the launch of the Australian Music Vault held
last night at the Arts Centre - which is weird 'cause I thought
we'd already done that about twelve months ago. Anyway I rolled
up to Vicncent's marvellous Malvern mansion at the appointed
time to see Vince's fellow Laneway honcho Dan Bradley conspicuously
trying to break in through the side gate.
I decided to take the long way round but was intercepted and
firmly redirected to the kitchen where the ageless Jeff Duff
was reclining in a fetching woollen jumper chatting to Dan (it
was damned hot outside too) which prompted me to observe that
he looked unnecessarily elegant. He looked puzzled and explained
he hadn't changed yet. I'd not met Jeff before, but after he'd
demanded the cricket be put on the telly learned that he plays
grade cricket in Sydney's northern suburbs in which competition
he is the top performing bowler. He's a quietly spoken, lovely
I adjourned to Vincent's studio and after I'd listened to bits
of the desk recording of the Spectrum plus gig last Sunday we
all got into Dan's limo (with Jeff now dressed in a spectacular
skin tight off-white suit with matching cream socks in platform
sandals) and headed at a racy 40kph down High St to the NGV
where we parked and meandered to the Arts Centre to find a lift
to take us to the fabled sixth floor
The doors re-opened and we were still on the ground floor with
Dave Graney and Clare Moore, Ian McFarlane et al looking
almost as bemused as we were shame-faced. We eventually made
it to the eighth floor where a crowd of glitterati of various
ages was amassing to storm the whatever room it was that I thought
the Music Vault had already been launched the previous year
- once we were all equipped with the inevitable lanyards by
the boys and girls with the clipboards of course.
I'd already decided that the level of noise made it unlikely
I'd understand a word all night, but I nevertheless got involved
in conversation with Clare Moore and her young photographer
friend (from Adelaide, not Ella) interrupted by the arrival
of Craig Horne, who has apparently forgiven me for recommending
the Hornets play Warburton's The Who Club, as well as Mark Holden,
who'd brought his daughter Katie along, plus a surprise meeting
with Rose Bygraves and Helen Jedwob thrown in for variation.
The official part of the evening comprised of speeches by the
Vault's CEO Claire Spencer who introduced Martin Foley representing
the Victorian Government who introduced a new patron in Tina
Arena ('she's tiny' giggled the two girls in front of me in
unison) who made a rousing speech that was greeted with whoops
of acclaim from the junior members of the audience. Gudders
(Mushroom boss Michael Gudinski), who clearly doesn't know how
to use a microphone after all his years in the music business,
made a partially audible speech that might've been followed
(I may have the order wrong) by fellow Vault conspirator Molly,
who was decanted from his wheelchair to gamely walk across the
stage to the mic with the aid of a walking stick and support
from anybody handy. He did manage to gasp out a couple of amusing
anecdotes about Prince Charles and Princess Diana but I felt
his appearance evoked more sympathy from the gathering than
the usual uncomprehending amusement.
Claire Spencer then declared the official part of the evening
was over and now was the time for people to head for the bar
- which is what they instantly proceeded to do and at great
volume, which made it hard for Claire a few minutes later to
try and regain the audience's attention and welcome Billy Miller
and Rebecca Barnard to the stage for a set of their singalong
I accidentally stumbled into the VIP section trying to take
a pic of Billy and Bec and it felt like I'd stumbled onto a
a ghost train ride with spectral faces of locally celebrated
power brokers staring blankly into the wobbling bums of the
room full of thrill seekers.
I retired to the foyer to stare at my phone in case somebody
else came along that I was supposed to recognise - and there
he was again, Craig Horne, this time introducing me to his wife
Karen and asking if I was going to visit the exhibition downstairs.
(I said I wasn't but did and naturally ran into him again).
Then it was Molly's turn to be wheeled past me giving me a regal
wave à la Princess Di herself when I ridiculously enquired
how he was going.
There was discussion on the way home what it was all about and
didn't ACMI more or less cover the same turf anyway? I still
don't know, but I do know that nobody from either organisation
has asked me for any of my Spectrum memorabilia. |
report / 10.12.17 Spectrum plus Madder Lake's Brenden Mason at the
Satellite Lounge |

plus Brenden Mason help Mike negotiate some tricky curves in
the Spectrum/Ariel rep' |
worthy experiment - but is it Art?
17.12.17 - Has there been more earnest
attention to detail and hours in rehsarsal mode than for this
solitary gig? Not that I can recall - bearing in mind that my
recall is severely impaired these days. The rehearsals were
actually fun as well as constructive, but chaps of our collective
age should be spared such an imposition.
However, the loyal chaps did not demur and turned up at excruciatingly
late hours to breathe the same mouldy air and crack weak jokes
over even weaker cups of tea at the mutually inconvenient rehearsal
Newby Brenden was enthusiastic at all stages and seemingly unfazed
by the gigantic workload. It sounded pretty impressive on stage
- we should all hope there's more. |
report / 7.12.17 Mick'n'Broc at The Basement Discs for the 12 Days
of Christmas |

& Mike worry about the parking fee they're up for |
walk the walk and pay the price
8.12.17 - Broc and I were trying
to work out where on earth we were going to park in the CBD
and not get slugged a zillion while we rattled off a few tunes
at The Basement Discs as part of their Twelve Days of Christmas
promotion. Pickings have been slim in both the retailing and
performance of music as far as The Basement Discs and Spectrum
have been concerned in 2017 so these sorts of concerns are very
It was just as well we left Mt E very early as Little Collins
St is blocked off at midday necessitating an unexpected deviation
ending with our being stalled at the lights adjacent to the
Elizabeth St entrance of the Block Arcade - where I abandoned
Broc and took myself and both our guitars to the fabled entrance
of The Basement Discs leaving Broc to sort out the parking dilemma
on his own.
I'd set-up and tuned by the time he found the shop (Broc's never
been there before) and we had only about five minutes before
we were due to start and there was a crowd already in place
waiting expectantly.
It was an unusual set given my history at the Basement, with
only two or three of my tunes mixed in with a bunch of COVERS,
including a nod to Sir Paul (She's a Woman) and Otis'
Dock o' the Bay.. (pic
C. Mintrom) |
report / 3.12.17
Spectrum plus, Madder Lake & Normie at the Masters of Rock show |
Ted Lethborg expresses his sincere thanks for Disco Dilemma
2) Normie on fire (with Gil Matthews on guitar!) |
and Madder Lake behemoth
7.12.17 - The second consecutive
year that the Masters of Rock show has been held at the Flying
Saucer Club (the Elsternwick RSL) but also the last time as
the Saucer's pulling out. It's a shame as the match is a good
Madder Lake was on first - but no 12lb Toothbrush?
Then Spectrum plus with Rock Critic as my personal
highlight. Ted Lethborg appreciated the inclusion of Disco
Dilemma. (pic 1) Madder Lake clambered on-stage
for IBG - and then Toothbrush at last!
Normie seemed tired but the crowd loved him and his endless
stream of hits. (pic 2) |
report / 1.12.17 1st BASE w Mick'n'Broc at the Skylark Room Upwey |

1) Mick'n'Broc
saunter through their support set 2) Jeremy, Mike and George
all concentrate manfully |
BASE and Mick'n'Broc do their best
2.12.17 - I'm sure the weather didn't help,
but the bookings weren't strong in the first place so there
was only a small audience to savour the last of 1st BASE's rare
appearances for 2017.
It turned out that I was familiar with the Skylark Room and
in fact we all immediately felt at home. My failure to read
the small print meant that Maria was ungainfully employed to
man the door while George and Jeremy sorted out the sound desk,
but apart from that there were no major dramas.
Mick'n'Broc breezed through their set, (pic 1 ) minus
Dock o' the Bay, and 1st BASE (pic 2) balanced
the sublime and the odd catastrophe with aplomb. |
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM M
I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D B I L L P U T T . C O MM
M I K E R U D D |