wears the spotted shirt |
Sat. 21.6.14 Vesbar Wine Lounge Somerville
hard day's night.. not
22.6.14 - It wasn't
an enormous crowd, but I soon realised by way
of compensation that I knew nearly everybody in
the room. It's good too that the Vesbar, an oasis
of civilisation down in Somerville off the Peninsula
Highway on the way to Portsea, is the most consistent
of my solo venues and I can get a measure of how
things are developing. So, I can report that things
are going pretty well, that's if the audience
reaction is anything to go by.
I elected not to add my latest toy to the mix,
(a Roland VE-20 vocal processor) as I haven't
had anough time to fiddle with it at home, but
in any case the JamMan provided its usual quotient
of hilarity. Maria was surprised by Excuse
Me Just One Moment, even without the vomit
track and I had fun telling some of the stories
behind the songs. I'm looking forward to the next
Spectrum gig at the Vesbar already..
(pic by Marg Sellers) |