Mike Rudd's Nuclear Dog

Nuclear Dog comprised Mike Rudd, Bill Putt, John Moon plus the unpredictable Weird Harold. I suspect it was the post-mortem twitchings of the WHY project, and preceded the faintly successful Living Legends Blues Band. You want a year, don't you. I'm guessing 1985. Or '86.
Nuclear Dog played only the one gig at the New Orleans Tavern - to no acclaim whatsoever. Nobody even interrupted their conversation to look our way. The subsequent Moomba Hotel gigs were cancelled (it had transmogrified into a topless bar) which was probably merciful. I still like the doggie logo though. (see pic below) Nuclear Dog matched the truly unmemorable record of the Bob & Larry duo in performing only the one gig. (Bob & Larry was named after an infamous pair of coke dealers who arrived unannounced on the Spectrum/ Stahaely Bros Tour). Mike & Bill decided to give playing stoned a go, but after disappearing into the heavily embossed wallpaper mid-set, Mike decided that would be the first and last time.

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