April '15
Rudd's Nuclear Dog
Mike Rudd's Nuclear Dog comprised Mike Rudd, Bill Putt,
John Moon plus Weird Harold, WHY's DMX drum machine.
That leads me to suspect it was the post-mortem
twitchings of the WHY project and preceded the faintly
successful Living Legends Blues Band. You want a year,
don't you? I'm guessing 1985. Or '86.
Nuclear Dog played only the one gig at the New Orleans
Tavern - to no acclaim whatsoever. Nobody even interrupted
their conversation to look our way. The only consolation
was that Dean & Carruthers duo were on the bill and
they had their own DMX drum machine - which proceeded
to shed its memory in mid-performance with the dreaded
characteristic beep-beep! Much schadenfreude
The planned subsequent Moomba Hotel gigs were cancelled
(it had suddenly transmogrified into a topless bar), which
was probably merciful. I still like the doggie logo though.
(see pic)
Nuclear Dog's live playing career was matched only by
the Bob & Larry duo in performing the one solitary
gig. (The Bob & Larry name was derived from
the pair of alleged cocaine dealers who arrived unannounced
from California on the Spectrum/ Stahaely Bros Tour in
which they'd apparently laundered their profits).
Bob & Larry also saw Mike and Bill decide to experiment
with playing stoned, but after Mike felt himself disappearing
into the heavily embossed wallpaper mid-set, he decided
that would be the first and last time. |
Oct. '13 -
April '15 |